Selected Exhibitions
2020. Arts in Bushwick, Brooklyn, 2020.
2019. Greenpoint Gallery, Brooklyn, 2019
2019. BOS, Space776, Brooklyn, 2019
2017. Disrupt, Artists and Fleas, NYC, 2017-2018
2020. The Cats of The Netherlands, Zine.
2021. The Cats of The Netherlands, Part 2, Zine.
2021. Pandemic Film, Zine.
2022. Paintings "Stardust," "Nebula Galaxy," "Field of Dreams," and "Cosmos," were featured in OyeDrum Magazine.
In the Spring/Summer 2022 Vol.5 Issue. Released in June 2022.
2020. Arts in Bushwick, interview.
2020-. Ziggy totes, La Sux Pins, and The Cats of The Netherlands zine for sale in Quimby's bookstore, Williamsburg, BK.
2020-. Ziggy totes, and The Cats of The Netherlands zine for sale in Cats on the Corner, Catskills, NY.
2023-. Ziggy totes, and zines for sale in FriendsNYC in Bushwick, NY.